Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
Dunia oh Dunia....
Dunia adalah tempat kita dilahirkan, tempat kita menghirup udara segar, tempat kita bermain di waktu kecil, belajar semenjak tingkat dasar hingga lanjutan, tempat kita bekerja, mencari nafkah untuk menghidupi keluarga, tempat kita untuk beribadah pada sang Khaliq.
Dunia akan menghantarkan kita menuju kehidupan akhirat yang di awali dengan alam kubur. Ketika di dunia, kita dekat dengan keluarga, sanak kerabat, dan teman. Saat di kubur nanti, siapa yang akan menemani kita ? ternyata orang yang paling dekat dan sangat mencintai kita akan meninggalkan kita sendiri di ruang yang tak lebih dari 2 x 1 meter, namun akan diluaskan bagi seorang mukmin. Dunia memang fana, tapi di dunia yang fana inilah tempat kita beramal, yang buahnya akan kita nikmati kelak di kubur dan yang setelah itu.
Kebahagiaan adalah dambaan setiap insan. Kebahagiaan yang sempurna tidak akan kita dapatkan di dunia, karena di dalamnya ada suka, ada duka, ada kesuksesan ada kegagalan. Kenikmatan yang hakiki akan kita raih insyaAllah di alam surgawi. Semoga kita dimudahkan untuk bisa menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak penghuninya. Imam Ahmad rahimahullah di tanya : "Kapan engkau akan merasa tenang ?" Maka beliau menjawab : "Ketika aku melangkahkan kakiku masuk ke dalam surga". Subhanallahitulah cita-cita seorang mukmin yang hakiki. Akhirnya marilah kita banyak berdoa : Rabbanaa atinaa fi dunnya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qinaa adzabannaar ...... (M Latif- KSU)
Jumat, 06 Juli 2012
"Kompetisi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa" Dari Forces IPB. DEADLINE 22 OKT 2012
Kompetisi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Pertanian (KKMP) merupakan kompetisi business plan tingkat nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh UKM Keilmiahan IPB (FORCES / Forum for Scientific Studies) dan menjadi bagian dari rangkaian acara PIMPI (Pekan Inovasi Mahasiswa Pertanian Indonesia) yang menjadi agenda terbesar dan bersifat tahunan. KKMP mengangkat tema “Indonesia Kreatif dan Tangguh”. Kompetisi ini merupakan ajang bagi mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia untuk menyalurkan pemikirannya dalam bentuk proposal pengembangan ide bisnis berbasiskan pertanian, khususnya pemberdayaan produk pertanian yang berbasis kearifan lokal.
Rencana pengembangan ide bisnis dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan dan perhitungan bisnis yang rinci, dimanaproduk boleh sudah ada, maupun masih dalam bentuk gagasan. Proposal pengembangan ide bisnis yang dikompetisikan bukan merupakan skema distributor MLM, agen asuransi, member broker property, agen penjualan investasi bursa berjangka, dan semua sistem keagenan yang serupa dengan skema tersebut. Proposal tidak mengandung indikasi skema money game, arisan berantai, ataupun skema piramid. Proposal ide bisnis yang dikompetisikan harus bisa diimplementasikan sebagai bisnis nyata dengan adanya sistem kemitraan yang dibangun dengan petani lokal.
a. Bidang Ilmu yang Dikompetisikan
1) Diversifikasi Pangan
2) Peralatan Pertanian
3) Industri kreatif
4) Agroindustri
5) Bioindustri
6) Jasa Pertanian
7) Hasil Pertanian (secara luas, dapat meliputi kehutanan, perikanan, pertanian maupun kelautan)
b. Ketentuan Peserta
1) Peserta merupakan mahasiswa aktif S1 atau Diploma perguruan tinggi negeri atau swasta di Indonesia dan masih berstatus mahasiswa saat Grand Final (dibuktikan dengan fotokopi KTM yang disertakan saat pengiriman karya).
2) Peserta dapat perorangan atau berkelompok dengan jumlah maksimal 3 orang dan berasal dari perguruan tinggi yang sama.
3) Anggota kelompok dapat berasal dari disiplin ilmu yang berbeda.
4) Peserta harus mendapatkan rekomendasi dari pihak perguruan tinggi (Wakil/Pembantu Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan) yang dibuktikan dengan lembar pengesahan dalam karyanya.
c. Ketentuan Kompetisi
1) Business plan yang dikirimkan merupakan hasil pemikiran sendiri, bukan hasil jiplakan dan belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya.
2) Setiap tim harus membuat dan mengirimkan business plan sesuai dengan tema dan sistematika yang ditentukan (sistematika penulisan karya tulis dapat dilihat pada Lampiran 1).
3) Setiap proposal yang dikirimkan tidak diperkenankan sedang berpartisipasi atau telah memenangkan penghargaan dalam kompetisi serupa di tempat lain.
4) Peserta wajib mendaftarkan diri secara online di dan via email (Format pendaftaran sesuai Lampiran 1) dan mentransfer biaya registrasi sebesar Rp. 150.000,00 ke BNI Cabang Darmaga Bogor a.n ISTIQOMAH NURFITRI, nomer rekening 0197519859sebelum menyerahkan karyanya ke sekretariat UKM FORCES (Forum for Scientific Studies).
5) Konfirmasi melalui sms ke Istiqomah Nurfitri (085664926123) dengan format nama PTN-nama peserta-judul karya-jam transfer.
6) Proposal dikirimkan sebanyak 4 eksemplar (hardcopy), bersamaan dengan bukti pembayaran, dan fotokopi KTM ke Sekretariat UKM FORCES.
7) Sebagai arsip panitia, peserta juga harus mengirimkan karyanya dalam bentuk softcopy ke, dengan format judul KKMP-Nama Ketua-Asal Universitas-Judul Karya
8) Peserta diperkenankan mengirimkan lebih dari satu karya tulis (maksimal 2) dan setiap karya tulis yang diajukan mendapat bimbingan dari seorang dosen pembimbing dari perguruan tinggi yang sama.
9) Nama-nama finalis (sebanyak 10 team) akan diumumkan melalui website pada tanggal 5 November 2012 pukul 21.00 WIB, e-mail, dan sms.
10) Semua finalis diwajibkan mempresentasikan karyanya di hadapan dewan juri dan audience pada saat Grand Final di Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor pada tanggal 16 November 2012 (akan ada informasi lebih lanjut).
11) Semua finalis diharuskan mengisi stand dalam acara Gelar Karya Pertanian (GKP) pada tanggal 17 & 18 November 2012.
12) Semua finalis diharuskan membuat x-banner 1, poster 2, dan leaflet minimal 100 lembar, yang merepresentasikan ide bisnisnya untuk ditampilkan dalam GKP dan akan dipilih satu Juara GKP untuk keseluruhan rangkaian acara PIMPI (stand terbaik).
13) Finalis yang menjadi pemenang diharuskan mempresentasikan karyanya pada acara ‘Seminar Pertanian Indonesia’.
14) Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
15) Segala urusan keuangan menyangkut pembuatan business plan, poster ilmiah, x-banner, leaflet, dan lain sebagainya bukan merupakan tanggung jawab panitia.
d. Ketentuan Karya Tulis
Karya tulis yang dikirimkan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :
1) Original
Karya harus bersifat asli tidak meniru karya orang lain.
2) Kreatif dan Inovatif
Karya berisi gagasan yang kreafif dan inovatif dalam arti belum pernah ada sebelumnya namun memiliki landasan teori yang jelas dan realistis.
3) Solutif dan Aplikatif
Karya adalah hasil telaah kritis terhadap suatu permasalaah dan isu yang mutakhir atau aktual didukung argumentasi ilmiah yang jelas, sehingga karya dapat menjadi solusi permasalahan yang ada di Indonesia dan dapat diterapkan oleh masyarakat luas.
4) Sistematis
Karya disampaikan dalam bentuk yang jelas, sistematis, runut, dan didukung oleh data atau informasi yang terpercaya.
5) Sesuai dengan bidang ilmu yang dikompetisikan
Bidang ilmu yang dikompetisikan mencakup diversifikasi pangan, peralatan pertanian, industri kreatif,agroindustri, bioindustri, jasa pertanian dan hasil pertanian (secara luas, dapat meliputi kehutanan, perikanan, pertanian maupun kelautan).
6) Mengikuti sistematika penulisan yang ada di lampiran 2.
e. Agenda Kompetisi
Tahap pendaftaran : 1 Juli – 22 Oktober 2012
Tahap penerimaan naskh : 1 Juli – 22 Oktober 2012 (cap pos)
Tahap seleksi : 27 Oktober – 4 November 2012
Pengumuman finalis : 5 November 2012 pukul 21.00 WIB
Grand final : 16 November 2012
Pameran GKP : 17 – 18 November 2012
Pengumuman Pemenang : 18 November 2012
Catatan :
- Jadwal Kegiatan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat
- Pemenang (Juara I, II, dan III) KKMP akan diumumkan pada Seminar Pertanian Indonesia pada tanggal 18 November 2012.
- Seluruh finalis wajib mengikuti Seminar Pertanian Indonesia dan pameran Gelar Karya Pertanian (GKP) tanpa dipungut biaya.
f. Hadiah
Juara I : Trophy + Uang Tunai Rp 4.000.000,00
Juara II : Trophy + Uang Tunai Rp 3.000.000,00
Juara III : Trophy + Uang Tunai Rp 2.000.000,00
Juara Stand Terbaik : Trophy + Uang Tunai Rp 1.000.000,00
Tiap finalis akan mendapatkan sertifikat penghargaan.
g. Layanan Informasi
Informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi :
Sekretariat FORCES di Lt. 1 Gedung Student Center (SC) Lingkar Kampus IPB (Samping Gymnasium)Darmaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, 16880
Website :
Email :
Contact Person :
KKMP : Bq. Amelia R. (085772610792)
PIMPI : Mawardi (085780744520)
Istiqomah (085664926123)
sumber: PIMPI 2012
Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
EBOTEC#2 (ELins Robot Compettion) : Deadline 6 JULI 2012
Copas dari
ebotec#2 adalah lomba robot line follower nasional yang diselenggrakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektronika dan Instrumentasi serta Keluarga Mahasiswa Diploma Elektronika dan Instrumentasi. ebotec#2 ini merupakan salah satu dari rangkaian acara dari Festival Elektronika dan Instrumetasi. Acara ini merupakan acara kedua setelah Seminar Nasional Aerospace Elinsphoria#3. Tema acara ebotec#2 tahun ini adalah ROBOTISME.

Total Rp 7.000.000,- dan trophy bagi pemenang Ebotec 2012.
Juara 1: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 3.000.000,- dan trophy Gubernur DIY
Juara 2: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 2.000.000,- dan trophy Bupati Sleman
Juara 3: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 1.000.000,- dan trophy Dinas Pendidikan,Pemuda dan Olahraga
Juara 4: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 700.000,- dan trophy Rektor UGM
Best Design: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 300.000,- dan trophy Dekan Fakultas MIPA UGM
Juara 1: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 3.000.000,- dan trophy Gubernur DIY
Juara 2: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 2.000.000,- dan trophy Bupati Sleman
Juara 3: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 1.000.000,- dan trophy Dinas Pendidikan,Pemuda dan Olahraga
Juara 4: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 700.000,- dan trophy Rektor UGM
Best Design: Uang pembinaan sebesar Rp 300.000,- dan trophy Dekan Fakultas MIPA UGM
- Makan Siang
- Sertifikat
- Sticker
Waktu dan Tempat
Hari dan Tanggal: Minggu, 15 Juli 2012
Tempat: Fakultas MIPA UGM, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta.
Tempat: Fakultas MIPA UGM, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta.
Persyaratan Peserta
- Peserta masih berstatus sebagai siswa SMA/sederajat dan/atau mahasiswa dengan jenjang D1, D2, D3, D4 dan S1 dalam lingkup sekolah dan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.
- Jumlah tim peserta dari setiap institusi tidak dibatasi.
- Setiap tim maksimal terdiri dari 3 orang dan 1 robot yang berasal dari sekolah atau perguruan tinggi yang sama.
- Setiap individu dan robot hanya diperbolehkan terdaftar dalam 1(satu) tim.
- Pendaftaran sampai dengan tanggal 06 Juli 2012 (online) 07 Juli 2012 (offline) jam 15.00 WIB atau jika kuota peserta sudah terpenuhi.
- Peserta yang mendaftar diharuskan melunasi semua administrasi pendaftaran sebelum tanggal 06 Juli 2012 dengan toleransi pelunasan pada saat Technical Meeting dan disarankan langsung melalui rekening bank yang sudah ditentukan.
Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 21 Mei – 7 Juli 2012.
Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp 150.000,-/tim
Call Center Pendaftaran: 087839204507 (Satrio), 085643511985 (Kristina)
Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp 150.000,-/tim
Call Center Pendaftaran: 087839204507 (Satrio), 085643511985 (Kristina)
Sistem Pendaftaran Online:
- Peserta membayarkan biaya pendaftaran Rp 150.000,- dengan cara transfer ke Bank Mandiri KC Sukabumi Sudirman dengan no.rekening 133 00 1050675 6 atas nama Dianita Fitriani P
- Bukti Pembayaran yang ASLI harap discan untuk dilampirkan pada email dan disimpan untuk keperluan registrasi ulang pada saat hari pertandingan.
- Peserta WAJIB mengirimkan SMS konfirmasi pembayaran ke nomor 087839204507 (Satrio) dengan format: PENDAFTARAN EBOTEC (Nama Tim) (Kota Asal) (Hari-Jam Waktu Pembayaran). Peserta akan mendapat konfirmasi pembayaran dari panitia.
- Peserta mengirimkan email ke dengan format:
Subject : PENDAFTARAN EBOTEC_(Nama TIM)_(Sekolah/Perguruan Tinggi)_(Kota Asal)
Isi : Nama ketua dan anggota tim + Alamat email + Nomor HP
Lampiran dalam bentuk arsip(zip/rar) berisi scan-an atau softcopy:- Bukti Pembayaran (untuk ATM) atau bukti transfer yang setara lainnya (untuk eBanking/mBanking/SMS Banking) dengan nama file: “Bukti_(Nama Tim)”
- Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi & ditandatangani. Formulir dapat didownload disini.
- Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM)/Kartu Pelajar masing-masing anggota dengan nama file: “(Nama anggota)_(Nama Tim)”
- File Foto dengan size max 800×600 pixel masing-masing anggota dengan nama file: “(Nama anggota)_(Nama Tim)”
Sistem Pendaftaran Offline
Batas waktu pendaftaran: 07 Juli 2012
Peserta dapat datang langsung di Sekretariat HMEI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektronika dan Instrumentasi) FMIPA (Sayap Utara) UGM, pada jam 09.00-17.00 WIB untuk membayar biaya pendaftaran dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan syarat administrasi yang harus dibawa (untuk masing-masing anggota):
Peserta dapat datang langsung di Sekretariat HMEI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektronika dan Instrumentasi) FMIPA (Sayap Utara) UGM, pada jam 09.00-17.00 WIB untuk membayar biaya pendaftaran dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan syarat administrasi yang harus dibawa (untuk masing-masing anggota):
- Pas foto 3×4 cm (1 buah)
- Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM)/Kartu Pela jar (1 buah)
Contact Person:
Ardi (087838818085)
Kristina (085643511985)
Adit (085729118959)
Ardi (087838818085)
Kristina (085643511985)
Adit (085729118959)
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Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Contoh Motivation Letter untuk Aply Beasiswa LN
Alhamdulillah... Perjuangan pada akhir Maret lalu terjawab pada 20 Mei 2012. Aplikasiku untuk menuntut ilmu di Formosa diterima. Alhamdulillah.. MaasyaAllah...
Sekedar berbagi pengalaman dan cerita, di postingan ini aku lampirkan contoh esai yang kukirimkan ke Admission Office of National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei. Info lengkap tentang NCCU bisa di lihat di SINI. Essay yang diminta mereka, terdiri dari 3 pertanyaan yang harus dijawab oleh aplikan dengan batasan maksimum jumlah kata. Yang dicetak tebal itu pertanyaannya ya :D.
Jaa, berikut di bawah ini adalah jawabanku. Semoga bermanfaat untuk memberi gambaran dalam membuat motivation letter/ essay :D. #maaf kalau banyak grammar yang salah ^^"
Sekedar berbagi pengalaman dan cerita, di postingan ini aku lampirkan contoh esai yang kukirimkan ke Admission Office of National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei. Info lengkap tentang NCCU bisa di lihat di SINI. Essay yang diminta mereka, terdiri dari 3 pertanyaan yang harus dijawab oleh aplikan dengan batasan maksimum jumlah kata. Yang dicetak tebal itu pertanyaannya ya :D.
Jaa, berikut di bawah ini adalah jawabanku. Semoga bermanfaat untuk memberi gambaran dalam membuat motivation letter/ essay :D. #maaf kalau banyak grammar yang salah ^^"

Ini logonya (calon) kampusku; National Chengchi University, di Taipei
1. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and explain how your past experience together with an IMAS degree from NCCU will contribute to your achieving them. (1000 words maximum)
My previous education was International Relations (majoring East Asian studies) and post-graduate program of Japanese Studies. Since the beginning, I have strong passion and curiosity on East Asian studies in interdisciplinary context. As we know that this regional has a very great history of civilization. Furthermore, many scholars mentioned that the countries in this region will be the next world’s main power as it shows many developments in many sectors; not only in the term of “hard diplomacy” but also the “soft diplomacy”. To support this passion, I also learned Chinese, Japanese and Korean language for helping me to communicate and understand the society in this region.
I have very high curiosity and passion on how international people relate each other through many kinds of interaction, communication and cooperation in the term of interdisciplinary studies. Furthermore, in this globalization era, international relations are not dominated by the state actors anymore but already spread to grass-root actors (multi-track diplomacy). I want to connect and build up my international networks, and also promote Indonesia – Taiwan’s relations through education.
For my career goals, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with East Asian expertise. I have a strong commitment to realize the concepts of education; 1) emphasizing knowledge, 2) growing the maturity and 3) developing the good manners. Of course, to be a good lecturer and commit with those concept, I have to increase my quality of knowledge and research. Beside of being a lecturer and researcher, in the future I want to be the head of international office in my institution. Nowadays, building up and maintaining an international network between the educational institutions is highly needed, especially in this more globalize world. My mid-long term goal is developing the Taiwan-Indonesia’s relations and cooperation, not only in political, economical, and security aspects, but also in cultural aspects.
When I read this program, I found that IMAS NCCU has a comprehensive curriculum on Asia Pacific Studies, specifically in East Asian Studies, that is suitable with my study focus and passion. That is why; I am highly motivated to continue my study in IMAS NCCU Taiwan. Having an IMAS degree from NCCU will help me to broaden my perspective and knowledge, and also increase my capability to be a qualified lecturer and East Asian studies expert. Furthermore, Indonesia and Taiwan relations are still developing and I do hope that in the future it will grow more and more. With my experience studying in IMAS - NCCU Taiwan, it will give me a direct experience and knowledge about Taiwan itself.
2. Based on your current understanding of the IMAS program curriculum, describe your initial study plan. Among other relevant information, please describe your specific research focus or interest, the rationale or motivation for pursuing your research interest, the relationship between your educational or professional experience and your research interest, courses that are related to your interest, and your plan to complete the program within a reasonable length of time. (1000 words maximum)
I am interested in socio-culture. As for my research, I will focus on ethnic development in China, especially how the government manages the minority issues in north-west region of China. So, I want to learn and do a comprehensive research about this topic during my study in IMAS. The reason why I am interested in this topic is because Indonesia has multi-cultural and multi-ethnic background and there are a lot of conflict which caused by it. To get a better understanding and comprehension, it is important for me to do comparison studies.
Having research in this field will give me a vision about how to manage the minority issue. Furthermore, in my opinion there is some similarity between Indonesia and China on it. By comparing the ethnic issue between Indonesia and China, I hope I can have valuable knowledge and understanding, so that it can be implemented in Indonesia to manage the problems. As for the reason why I choose and conduct this research theme in Taiwan is because of the educational atmosphere in Taiwan that is conducive and supportive.
After seeing the IMAS curriculum, I found some courses that are suitable with my study and research focus. Beside of taking the required courses, I will also take the elective courses that are related to my research. Those courses are:
• Chinese Philosophy and Religion
• Ethnic Development of Mainland China
• International Status of Mainland China
• Political Development of Mainland China
• Research Methods in China Studies
• Spatial Development of Mainland China
• Social Development of Mainland China
• Cultural Ethnic Structure of Taiwan
During my stay and study period in Taiwan, I also planning to increase my ability in Chinese language and learn more Chinese culture. As for the length of time, I’m planning to complete my degree in IMAS - NCCU in two years (until mid-year 2014), including for my thesis. Of course, during these two years, I will do my best effort to finish my study on time, without ignoring the quality of my research and study.
3. Please include any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum)
I have good academic record and achievement, not only in my bachelor degree time in University of Gadjah Mada but also in master degree in University of Indonesia. I ever joined several international events and conferences in Japan, Turkey, Lao PDR, and Thailand, which gives me adaptability skill in multi-cultural and international atmosphere. It also helps me to increase my ability on using foreign language and communication fluency.
I also join several organizational activities which increase my leadership skill, such as; managing work, adaptability, decision making, and initiating action. In my organization, I am responsible to provide scholarship information to the university students and also give some seminars/ workshop to increase their motivation and courage to study abroad. From it, I learn how to develop and coach others. And from my working experience, I got chance to increase my skill on writing and engaging the public through online and printed media, where I responsible for the communication and content management.
I always interested with something ‘new’ such as cultures. So that’s why, during my study in Taiwan, I’m planning to increase my proficiency in Mandarin. In exchange, I would be very happy for introducing and discussing about my origin country, includes its cultures and languages with other students in NCCU.
Indonesia has many diverse cultures inside herself. There are hundreds of ethnic, local languages, and also various traditional customs which is spread in thousands of islands.
In my opinion, by understanding the other cultures and languages, we can communicate and understand each other which can support the people to people understanding. I’m sure by sharing and discussing, these can help us to broaden our perspective and knowledge. The more experience we will have, the more knowledge we will gain. By gaining more knowledge, we can increase our chance to create a better understanding about the others.
With those explanations above, I am sure that I am the suitable candidate for the IMAS program. I hope it can be helpful for the admission committee to consider my application. I am really excited and highly motivated to be the part of IMAS – NCCU, Taiwan.
1. Describe your short-term and long-term career goals and explain how your past experience together with an IMAS degree from NCCU will contribute to your achieving them. (1000 words maximum)
My previous education was International Relations (majoring East Asian studies) and post-graduate program of Japanese Studies. Since the beginning, I have strong passion and curiosity on East Asian studies in interdisciplinary context. As we know that this regional has a very great history of civilization. Furthermore, many scholars mentioned that the countries in this region will be the next world’s main power as it shows many developments in many sectors; not only in the term of “hard diplomacy” but also the “soft diplomacy”. To support this passion, I also learned Chinese, Japanese and Korean language for helping me to communicate and understand the society in this region.
I have very high curiosity and passion on how international people relate each other through many kinds of interaction, communication and cooperation in the term of interdisciplinary studies. Furthermore, in this globalization era, international relations are not dominated by the state actors anymore but already spread to grass-root actors (multi-track diplomacy). I want to connect and build up my international networks, and also promote Indonesia – Taiwan’s relations through education.
For my career goals, I want to be a lecturer and researcher with East Asian expertise. I have a strong commitment to realize the concepts of education; 1) emphasizing knowledge, 2) growing the maturity and 3) developing the good manners. Of course, to be a good lecturer and commit with those concept, I have to increase my quality of knowledge and research. Beside of being a lecturer and researcher, in the future I want to be the head of international office in my institution. Nowadays, building up and maintaining an international network between the educational institutions is highly needed, especially in this more globalize world. My mid-long term goal is developing the Taiwan-Indonesia’s relations and cooperation, not only in political, economical, and security aspects, but also in cultural aspects.
When I read this program, I found that IMAS NCCU has a comprehensive curriculum on Asia Pacific Studies, specifically in East Asian Studies, that is suitable with my study focus and passion. That is why; I am highly motivated to continue my study in IMAS NCCU Taiwan. Having an IMAS degree from NCCU will help me to broaden my perspective and knowledge, and also increase my capability to be a qualified lecturer and East Asian studies expert. Furthermore, Indonesia and Taiwan relations are still developing and I do hope that in the future it will grow more and more. With my experience studying in IMAS - NCCU Taiwan, it will give me a direct experience and knowledge about Taiwan itself.
2. Based on your current understanding of the IMAS program curriculum, describe your initial study plan. Among other relevant information, please describe your specific research focus or interest, the rationale or motivation for pursuing your research interest, the relationship between your educational or professional experience and your research interest, courses that are related to your interest, and your plan to complete the program within a reasonable length of time. (1000 words maximum)
I am interested in socio-culture. As for my research, I will focus on ethnic development in China, especially how the government manages the minority issues in north-west region of China. So, I want to learn and do a comprehensive research about this topic during my study in IMAS. The reason why I am interested in this topic is because Indonesia has multi-cultural and multi-ethnic background and there are a lot of conflict which caused by it. To get a better understanding and comprehension, it is important for me to do comparison studies.
Having research in this field will give me a vision about how to manage the minority issue. Furthermore, in my opinion there is some similarity between Indonesia and China on it. By comparing the ethnic issue between Indonesia and China, I hope I can have valuable knowledge and understanding, so that it can be implemented in Indonesia to manage the problems. As for the reason why I choose and conduct this research theme in Taiwan is because of the educational atmosphere in Taiwan that is conducive and supportive.
After seeing the IMAS curriculum, I found some courses that are suitable with my study and research focus. Beside of taking the required courses, I will also take the elective courses that are related to my research. Those courses are:
• Chinese Philosophy and Religion
• Ethnic Development of Mainland China
• International Status of Mainland China
• Political Development of Mainland China
• Research Methods in China Studies
• Spatial Development of Mainland China
• Social Development of Mainland China
• Cultural Ethnic Structure of Taiwan
During my stay and study period in Taiwan, I also planning to increase my ability in Chinese language and learn more Chinese culture. As for the length of time, I’m planning to complete my degree in IMAS - NCCU in two years (until mid-year 2014), including for my thesis. Of course, during these two years, I will do my best effort to finish my study on time, without ignoring the quality of my research and study.
3. Please include any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee in considering your application. (500 words maximum)
I have good academic record and achievement, not only in my bachelor degree time in University of Gadjah Mada but also in master degree in University of Indonesia. I ever joined several international events and conferences in Japan, Turkey, Lao PDR, and Thailand, which gives me adaptability skill in multi-cultural and international atmosphere. It also helps me to increase my ability on using foreign language and communication fluency.
I also join several organizational activities which increase my leadership skill, such as; managing work, adaptability, decision making, and initiating action. In my organization, I am responsible to provide scholarship information to the university students and also give some seminars/ workshop to increase their motivation and courage to study abroad. From it, I learn how to develop and coach others. And from my working experience, I got chance to increase my skill on writing and engaging the public through online and printed media, where I responsible for the communication and content management.
I always interested with something ‘new’ such as cultures. So that’s why, during my study in Taiwan, I’m planning to increase my proficiency in Mandarin. In exchange, I would be very happy for introducing and discussing about my origin country, includes its cultures and languages with other students in NCCU.
Indonesia has many diverse cultures inside herself. There are hundreds of ethnic, local languages, and also various traditional customs which is spread in thousands of islands.
In my opinion, by understanding the other cultures and languages, we can communicate and understand each other which can support the people to people understanding. I’m sure by sharing and discussing, these can help us to broaden our perspective and knowledge. The more experience we will have, the more knowledge we will gain. By gaining more knowledge, we can increase our chance to create a better understanding about the others.
With those explanations above, I am sure that I am the suitable candidate for the IMAS program. I hope it can be helpful for the admission committee to consider my application. I am really excited and highly motivated to be the part of IMAS – NCCU, Taiwan.
Sumber Informasi: Situs Mba Retno Chiku